This article will cover the syntax of the ‘Store’ regular script statement.
This statement is used to store a QVD, CSV or TEXT file in a specified location.
Statement syntax
Store [fieldlist from] tablename into filename [format-spec];
Fieldlist | List of fields from a specific table to be stored. This is optional if you need to store all fields in a given table. The ‘fieldlist from’ can be skipped in this case. |
From | A keyword only required if you are specifying fields to store. |
Tablename | The name of the table that you are storing/ loading the fields to store from. |
Filename | Name of the file. |
Format-spec | This can be TXT or QVD. For a CSV file, use TXT. This is optional as if omitted, QVD will be assumed. |
A table is created from a combination of Excel files and stored as a QVD.
Sub sales (num)
FROM [lib://Public:DataFiles/sales_truck$(num).xlsx]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);
End sub;
For a = 1 to 4
Call sales(a);
Store SALES into [lib://Public:DataFiles/SALES.qvd] (qvd);
A QVD file ‘SALES’ is stored containing concatenated data from the x4 separate spreadsheets in the loop statement.