In Qlik Sense, developers create sheets and fill them with visualisations. Users consume sheets to answer business questions. A sheet is just a collection of visualisations that are trying to convey a message. Think of it as a worksheet dashboard within an Excel workbook.
In order to build a sheet in a new app, you need to load data into the app using either the data manager or the data load editor and then initiate the sheet building process.
You can also add new sheets to existing, publicly available apps.
Creating sheets in both, new and existing apps is covered in this article. Note that the interfaces you see may differ from what is pictured here due to the product and version of Qlik Sense you are using.
Creating sheets in a new, unpublished app
Once data has been loaded into your new app, you will have the ability to create sheets. Creating sheets in a brand new app is the same for on-premise and cloud versions. There are a couple of areas in the app you can create a new sheet.
The top bar
When in the data load editor, simply click the ‘Analyze Sheet’ button at the top to be taken to a brand new sheet.
The app overview
When in the app overview, click on the ‘Create new sheet’ button in the top right corner to add a new sheet.
Creating sheets in a published/ public app
When it comes to creating additional sheets in an already published or public app, there are some differences between on-premise and cloud products.
Qlik Sense on-premise
To create a new sheet in a published on-premise app, you will need to do so from the app overview. In the app overview, there will be a few sections:
- Base sheets – these are sheets that have either been created when the app was first built or have been created after but ‘approved’ to become base sheets. Note that only the app owner can promote community sheets to base.
- Community sheets – these are sheets published after the app was first built but not by you
- Published by me – these are sheets you published after the app was created
- My sheets – this is where the sheets you are currently working on will sit. Only you can see these sheets until you publish them
In the ‘My Sheets’ section, you will see the ‘Create a new sheet’ button.
You can also duplicate the app using QMC if you want to publish a sheet as part of the base sheets and you are not the app owner. If you do this, the app duplicate will be in your ‘Workspace’ and the ‘Create a new sheet’ button will be next to the other base sheets.
Qlik Cloud
Qlik Cloud is very similar to the on-premise versions. The only difference is that the app does not get ‘published’, it is automatically live to a given ‘space’. Thus to create a new sheet you simply use the ‘Create new sheet’ button in the ‘My Sheets’ section. When you’re ready to share the sheet with the world, you can right click on it and ‘Make public’.
In both, Qlik cloud and on-premise products, you can also create new sheets when you are already in any existing sheet using the sheet preview button. In the sheet top bar, click ‘Sheets’. There are x2 buttons to create a new sheet here: