A data connector is a way that you can connect to external data sources. This article covers how to use data connectors.
The data connectors available to you out-of-the-box may vary based on your Qlik Sense product and version, however, they may include:
Database connectors
- Amazon Athena
- Amazon Redshift
- Amazon DynamoDB
- Apache Drill
- Apache Hive
- Apache Phoenix
- Apache Spark
- Azure SQL Database
- Cassandra
- Cloudera Impala
- Couchbase
- Google BigQuery
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Mongo DB
- MySQL Enterprise Edition
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Presto
Data storage connectors
- Amazon S3
- Amazon S3 Metadata
- Azure Storage
- Azure Storage Metadata
- Dropbox
- Dropbox Metadata
- Google Cloud Storage
- Google Cloud Storage Metadata
- Google Drive
- Google Drive and Spreadsheets
- OneDrive
- OneDrive Metadata
Analytics connectors
- AYLIEN Text Analysis
- Azure Synapse Analytics
- Databricks
- Facebook Insights
- Google Analytics
- MeaningCloud
- OData
- Repustate
- Sentiment140
- Snowflake
- Teradata
- Watson Natural Language Understanding
- YouTube Analytics
Business tools and performance connectors
- Google Ad
- Google AdWords
- Google Calendar
- Google Search Console
- Jira
- Mailbox IMAP
- MailChimp
- Marketo
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM V2
- Office 365 Sharepoint
- Outlook 365
- Qualtrics
- Salesforce
- ServiceNow
- Slack V2
- SugarCRM
- SurveyMonkey
- AYLIEN News V2
- Github
- Strava
How to begin the connection
How you can initiate a new database connection will vary given the Qlik Sense product you use.
Connect from the data load editor
Both Qlik Cloud and on-premise Qlik products allow the initiation of a new connection from the app data load editor. In the data load editor, the right sidebar will have the ‘Create new connection’ button. To initiate the connection, click this button.
Note that if you are using a product hosted within the Qlik Cloud, if you create a data connection from within an app data load editor, by default, this connection will be assigned to the same ‘space’ as the app. This can later be changed in the Qlik Management Console (QMC) if required.
If you use Qlik Sense on Windows, when you create a data connection from the data load editor, by default, you will be assigned as the owner of this connection. If you want other developers to be able to access this connection, this will need to be changed in the QMC.
Connect from the data manager
Both Qlik Cloud and on-premise Qlik products allow the initiation of a new connection from the app data manager. In the data manager, in the upper left corner should be either an ‘Add data’ button or a button with a plus sign on it ‘+’.
In the Qlik Cloud, clicking this button will give you the options to add data from the ‘Data catalog’ or from ‘Files and other sources’. To initiate a new data connection, click ‘Files and other sources’. Note that the data connection will belong to the app space by default, however, this can be changed in the QMC.
Note that in the on-premise products the option to add data from the ‘Data catalog’ will not exist.
Connect from the Qlik Cloud hub
If your Qlik is hosted within the Qlik Cloud, you will have an ‘Add new’ button in your hub. Click ‘Add new’ > ‘Data connection’ to initiate the connection. This will load a pop-up window. Initiating the connection this way will allow you to choose which space it should reside in.
Additionally, you can also initiate a connection directly from a specific space. To do this, find the space in the catalog. Select manage space > data sources to view all data sources currently existing in a space. You can then use the ‘Add connection’ button next to the ‘Data connections’ section to initiate the connection.
How to complete the connection
Whichever way you chose to initiate the connection, the result is that you will get a pop-up window showing you the list of available connectors. You can either search for a source if you know which one you need or scroll through to find the right connector.
Once you’ve clicked on the required connector, the pop-up window will change to show you the screen with the parameters you need to enter to establish the connection. The parameters required will vary depending on the connector chosen. Some require minimal effort. For example, the Google Analytics connector will simply present an ‘Authenticate’ button which will take you to another browser tab so that you can log in using your Google account and give Qlik the relevant permissions. Other connectors are more complex. For example, the REST connector will require numerous inputs. You may need to read through the API documentation of the source to understand what the inputs should be.
Once all the parameters are entered, you can click ‘Test connection’ button at the bottom of the pop-up to check whether everything is in order. Once you get a successful test, click ‘Create’ to complete the process.
How to edit a data connection
Edit a connection from the data load editor
To edit an existing data connection go into the data load editor and find the required connection in the right sidebar. If you are using the Qlik Cloud, make sure that the correct space is selected in the sidebar to see the connection. Hit the small pencil icon below the connection name to be taken to the connection set-up screen and edit as required. Note that if you change the name of a connection, you will need to update all references to this connection in all data load editors of apps using the said connection.
Edit a connection while managing a space (Qlik Cloud only)
You can manage connections that belong to a specific space while managing that space. To do this, find the space in the catalog. Select manage space > data sources to view all data sources currently existing in a space. Under ‘Data connections’ select ‘…’ next to the connection you want to edit and select ‘Edit’.
Edit a connection in the QMC
Editing a connection owner or space (Qlik Cloud only) can be done in the Qlik Management Console (QMC). In the Qlik Cloud QMC, all connections are visible in the ‘Data content’ section of the left sidebar. If you click on the connection you’d like to edit, the x3 options to ‘Change owner’, ‘Delete’ or ‘Move’ will become available.
In on-premises products, the QMC looks slightly different. To view existing data connections use the ‘Data connections’ option under the ‘Manage content’ heading in the left sidebar. Here you will see a list of existing data connections. If you click ‘edit’ you can change the owner and view various other aspects of the connection.
How to delete a data connection
Unwanted data connections can be deleted from the same places they can be edited.
In the data load editor, locate the unwanted connection in the right sidebar and click the bin icon. Note that if you don’t have permission to delete data connections, you will not be able to see this icon.
In the QMC, the delete button is available next to the edit button.
In the Qlik Cloud hub, the delete button is also found in the space manager, next to the connection.
How to access an existing connection for app development
If your Qlik Sense architecture has already been established, you’re likely to be building apps using established connections rather than need to create new ones.
If you are using on-premises Qlik Sense products, once a connection has been created, it will be accessible from the data load editor or the data manager of any app. This of course depends on the owner of the connection and permission settings. This means that once you’ve created a new app, the connection you need will be in the right sidebar of the data load editor.
If you are using the Qlik Cloud, once a connection has been created and assigned to a space, any data load editor or data manager should show you the connection. You will need to ensure you have selected the right space from the drop-down above the list of connections in the right sidebar.
Note that there are various levels of permissions given to users within a space (Qlik Cloud only) and the Qlik Sense environment in general. Your ability to consume, edit or create data connections will depend on the permission you have been given. If you’re having issues with access, speak to your administrator.