This article will cover the syntax of the ‘comment’ regular script statement

The comment statement is a way to add metadata to app fields loaded from databases or spreadsheets. The comments can be added to a single field or a comment map can be specified to comment on multiple fields. Note that comments can be viewed in the preview section of the data model viewer.

Statement syntax

Comment [field | fields] 
fieldname | *fieldlist 
with | using 
comment | mapname

Field | FieldsField or fields specifies whether a single comment is being added or a comment map is being used.
Fieldname | FieldlistIf a single field is being commented on, the name of the field is specified. If a comment map is being used, the comment map must contain 2 columns. The first will be the name of the fields and the second will contain the comments.
With | UsingThe with keyword is used to add a comment to a single field. The using keyword is used to specify the name of a comment map.
Comment | MapnameIf adding a comment to a single field, this is where the comment is specified. If a comment map is used, this is where the comment map name should be inserted.


This example adds comments using a comment map to each field in the table ‘ITEM_DETAILS’.

FROM [lib://Public:DataFiles/ITEM_DETAILS.qvd] (qvd);
  id,This is the key field
  cost,This field contains monetary values
  type, This is a string field
  flavour, This is a string field
Comment fields using COMMENT_MAP;


Comments are loaded for each field specified and are visible below other field metadata in the data model viewer.