This article will cover the syntax of the ‘force’ regular script statement

The force statement is used to force Qlik Sense to read subsequently specified field names in a specific case such as upper case, lower case and capitalised. This can be useful for associating tables on fields with the same name but in a different case.

Statement syntax

Force capitalization | case upper | case lower | case mixed;

capitalization | case upper | case lower | case mixedHere is where you specify how Qlik Sense should read the field names.


We load two tables that are to be associated on the fields ‘itemID’. The field is in different cases in the tables. By using force with case upper, Qlik Sense will change the case of all field names to be upper and thus associate the tables correctly.

Force case upper;
load * inline [
  orderID, itemId
load * inline [
  itemID, cost, type, flavour
  1,0.50,ice cream, strawberry


The two tables are loaded and are associated on the field ‘ITEMID’. All field names are in upper case.